Table: stripe_checkout_sessions
This table shows data for Stripe Checkout Sessions. (opens in a new tab)
The primary key for this table is id.
The following tables depend on stripe_checkout_sessions:
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
id (PK) | String |
after_expiration | JSON |
allow_promotion_codes | Bool |
amount_subtotal | Int |
amount_total | Int |
automatic_tax | JSON |
billing_address_collection | String |
cancel_url | String |
client_reference_id | String |
consent | JSON |
consent_collection | JSON |
created | Timestamp |
currency | String |
currency_conversion | JSON |
customer | JSON |
customer_creation | String |
customer_details | JSON |
customer_email | String |
custom_fields | JSON |
custom_text | JSON |
expires_at | Int |
invoice | JSON |
invoice_creation | JSON |
line_items | JSON |
livemode | Bool |
locale | String |
metadata | JSON |
mode | String |
object | String |
payment_intent | JSON |
payment_link | JSON |
payment_method_collection | String |
payment_method_options | JSON |
payment_method_types | StringArray |
payment_status | String |
phone_number_collection | JSON |
recovered_from | String |
setup_intent | JSON |
shipping_address_collection | JSON |
shipping_cost | JSON |
shipping_details | JSON |
shipping_options | JSON |
status | String |
submit_type | String |
subscription | JSON |
success_url | String |
tax_id_collection | JSON |
total_details | JSON |
url | String |