CDC Configuration

PostgreSQL CDC (Logical Replication) Configuration


Change Data Capture (opens in a new tab) (CDC) is a set of software design patterns used to determine and track the data that has changed so that action can be taken using the changed data.

In PostgreSQL CDC can be implemented using Logical Replication (opens in a new tab).

Logical Replication is a feature of PostgreSQL that allows you to stream changes from a database to another database, file or custom handler. It is also used to keep a copy of a database up to date with the original database in an efficient manner (Internally it is implemented by the so called Write-Ahead Log (opens in a new tab)).

In this document we won't go into details of how Logical Replication works internally, but we will show you how to enable it in number of environments and how to configure CloudQuery PostgreSQL source plugin that can stream the changes to any of CloudQuery supported destinations.

The PostgreSQL source plugin streams changes directly to any CloudQuery destination without the need for additional infrastructure (e.g. Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc). This means the setup is much easier.


To test that the current PostgreSQL instance supports Logical Replication we can run the following command in PSQL:

SHOW wal_level;

or the following SQL query:

SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name='wal_level'

The default is replication but for CDC to work we need to set it to logical (This can only be done on the database startup).

Docker Setup

If you are running it locally for testing purposes you can use the following command to docker to enable logical replication:

docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass -d postgres:11 -c "wal_level=logical"


Change the wal_level to logical in the postgresql.conf file and restart the database.


You will need to create a custom RDS parameter group, associate it with your RDS instance, set rds.logical_replication to 1 and restart the database.

See full resolution on AWS documentation (opens in a new tab)

AWS Aurora serverless (V2)

AWS Aurora serverless V1 doesn't support Logical Replication, but V2 does.

Similar to RDS, you will need to create a custom parameter group, associate it with your Aurora serverless instance, set rds.logical_replication to 1 and restart the database.

See full resolution on AWS documentation (opens in a new tab)

GCP Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL)

You will need to set the cloudsql.logical_deconging configuration to on. See full documentation on GCP documentation (opens in a new tab)

Azure DB (PostgreSQL)

Please follow the Official Azure documentation on how to enable logical replication (opens in a new tab) via the CLI or Console (UI).