Table: stripe_charges
This table shows data for Stripe Charges. (opens in a new tab)
The primary key for this table is id. It supports incremental syncs based on the created column.
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
id (PK) | String |
created (Incremental Key) | Timestamp |
amount | Int |
amount_captured | Int |
amount_refunded | Int |
application | JSON |
application_fee | JSON |
application_fee_amount | Int |
authorization_code | String |
balance_transaction | JSON |
billing_details | JSON |
calculated_statement_descriptor | String |
captured | Bool |
currency | String |
customer | JSON |
description | String |
destination | JSON |
dispute | JSON |
disputed | Bool |
failure_balance_transaction | JSON |
failure_code | String |
failure_message | String |
fraud_details | JSON |
invoice | JSON |
level3 | JSON |
livemode | Bool |
metadata | JSON |
object | String |
on_behalf_of | JSON |
outcome | JSON |
paid | Bool |
payment_intent | JSON |
payment_method | String |
payment_method_details | JSON |
radar_options | JSON |
receipt_email | String |
receipt_number | String |
receipt_url | String |
refunded | Bool |
refunds | JSON |
review | JSON |
shipping | JSON |
source | JSON |
source_transfer | JSON |
statement_descriptor | String |
statement_descriptor_suffix | String |
status | String |
transfer | JSON |
transfer_data | JSON |
transfer_group | String |