Table: aws_ssm_documents
This table shows data for AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Documents.
The primary key for this table is arn.
The following tables depend on aws_ssm_documents:
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
account_id | String |
region | String |
arn (PK) | String |
permissions | JSON |
tags | JSON |
approved_version | String |
attachments_information | JSON |
author | String |
category | StringArray |
category_enum | StringArray |
created_date | Timestamp |
default_version | String |
description | String |
display_name | String |
document_format | String |
document_type | String |
document_version | String |
hash | String |
hash_type | String |
latest_version | String |
name | String |
owner | String |
parameters | JSON |
pending_review_version | String |
platform_types | StringArray |
requires | JSON |
review_information | JSON |
review_status | String |
schema_version | String |
sha1 | String |
status | String |
status_information | String |
target_type | String |
version_name | String |