Table: aws_kms_keys
This table shows data for AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) Keys. (opens in a new tab)
The primary key for this table is arn.
The following tables depend on aws_kms_keys:
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
account_id | String |
region | String |
rotation_enabled | Bool |
tags | JSON |
arn (PK) | String |
replica_keys | JSON |
key_id | String |
aws_account_id | String |
cloud_hsm_cluster_id | String |
creation_date | Timestamp |
custom_key_store_id | String |
customer_master_key_spec | String |
deletion_date | Timestamp |
description | String |
enabled | Bool |
encryption_algorithms | StringArray |
expiration_model | String |
key_manager | String |
key_spec | String |
key_state | String |
key_usage | String |
mac_algorithms | StringArray |
multi_region | Bool |
multi_region_configuration | JSON |
origin | String |
pending_deletion_window_in_days | Int |
signing_algorithms | StringArray |
valid_to | Timestamp |
xks_key_configuration | JSON |