Table: aws_elbv2_target_groups
This table shows data for Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) v2 Target Groups.
The primary key for this table is arn.
The following tables depend on aws_elbv2_target_groups:
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
account_id | String |
region | String |
tags | JSON |
arn (PK) | String |
health_check_enabled | Bool |
health_check_interval_seconds | Int |
health_check_path | String |
health_check_port | String |
health_check_protocol | String |
health_check_timeout_seconds | Int |
healthy_threshold_count | Int |
ip_address_type | String |
load_balancer_arns | StringArray |
matcher | JSON |
port | Int |
protocol | String |
protocol_version | String |
target_group_arn | String |
target_group_name | String |
target_type | String |
unhealthy_threshold_count | Int |
vpc_id | String |