Table: aws_cognito_user_pools
This table shows data for Cognito User Pools.
The composite primary key for this table is (account_id, region, id).
The following tables depend on aws_cognito_user_pools:
Name | Type |
_cq_source_name | String |
_cq_sync_time | Timestamp |
_cq_id | UUID |
_cq_parent_id | UUID |
account_id (PK) | String |
region (PK) | String |
id (PK) | String |
account_recovery_setting | JSON |
admin_create_user_config | JSON |
alias_attributes | StringArray |
arn | String |
auto_verified_attributes | StringArray |
creation_date | Timestamp |
custom_domain | String |
deletion_protection | String |
device_configuration | JSON |
domain | String |
email_configuration | JSON |
email_configuration_failure | String |
email_verification_message | String |
email_verification_subject | String |
estimated_number_of_users | Int |
lambda_config | JSON |
last_modified_date | Timestamp |
mfa_configuration | String |
name | String |
policies | JSON |
schema_attributes | JSON |
sms_authentication_message | String |
sms_configuration | JSON |
sms_configuration_failure | String |
sms_verification_message | String |
status | String |
user_attribute_update_settings | JSON |
user_pool_add_ons | JSON |
user_pool_tags | JSON |
username_attributes | StringArray |
username_configuration | JSON |
verification_message_template | JSON |